Can I bathe my smelly chick?


9 Years
Feb 21, 2010
Duvall, WA
So last night I picked up one of my Barred Rock babies to find that one of the other chicks had pooped on her back... On top of that it was one of the really smelly brown poops. YUCK!

I wiped her off with a damp paper towel but the poor thing still smells horrible... To the point where I don't even want to pick her up because it makes my hands smell. Even the other chicks seem to be keeping their distance! LOL! Is there a way to give her some kind of bath to get the smell off? The plain warm water got her clean but didn't do anything to help the smell. Your suggestions would be greatly appreciated cuz she's my favorite chick and I miss cuddling with her
Well I gave the chick a "bath" using your recommendation. It worked great in terms of smell but the baby was ticked. She screamed the whole time

I dried her as best as I could, wrapped her in a washcloth, and put her under the heat lamp. After a few minutes she was still cold so I brought out the hair dryer and blew her dry with warm air. Again she wasn't super happy about it but it worked great for getting her dry and warm quickly.

Thank you for your suggestion, I'm so happy that I can pick her up and play with her again without smelling like chicken poop! LOL!
Oh my, i have some coops with chickens who sleep on a roost and others who huddle on the floor. Have had many instances of chickens (mainly silkies) who come out in the morning with poo on their backs. They turn around and look, like "what the heck is that???". Some warm water and gentle soap, then a blow dry cleans them off. Who wants to wake up with poo on their back?

Glad you got your baby clean.

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