Can I brood Turkeys, Chicks, Ducks, and Guineas together?


Terd of Hurtles
11 Years
Oct 23, 2008
Northwestern Minnesota
I am probably going to have all of these things aroundt he same age at the same time. can I brood them together or should the ducks and chicks be in one brooder and the poults and keets be in a different one due to the different feed needs?
If it were me I would put the poults in an area to them selves.... they are hard to raise and I wouldn't let them touch dirt until they are at least 6 weeks old. Also if it were me I would put ducks to them selves because they will play in any water they can get to and will soak any other chick in there then the chicks will get too cold and could die. Keets and chicks can be put together. hope this helps.
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Better safe than sorry when it comes to poults.

Keets are generally more active than chicks, so make sure you have plenty of room.
The chicks, poults and keets can go together for a while, but do not put the ducks in with them. No matter how diligent you are with cleaning them, the ducks will mess the brooder up and it will not be good for the others.
I agree with Mandy. Last fall I raised poults, chicks, and keets all together. Even had some peachicks with them for a while. They did fine. When they got over 8 weeks, the keets really started to show their restlessness and picked on the others. I rather like raising poults and chicks together. The chicks seem to help teach the dense turkeys about the whole food and water thing. I rarely lose a poult.

Ducklings are another matter since they love water so much. They empty a waterer in a flash and soak the bedding. They really require a different brooding system than the others.
Well I don't know that I am a good source, but I raise my ducklings with my chicks (haven't raised the others, so no comment there). Sure the ducklings will play in water if they can, I just raise the waterer and they are fine. I do have them in a pretty large area, and they were on sand so the water that the ducklings did spill soaked up quickly. I just never thought to separate them since my ducks and chickens live together anyway. If you are worried about it and have the space you might want separate them, as much for feed requirements as anything else.
i am currently raising my ducklings goslings and chicks together right now and i have never had a problem with wetness on the chicks or the bedding. you need to make sure you set everything up properly is all. GOOD LUCK
i am getting a cackle hatchery surprise so ive been wondering the same thing. If i get ducks or geese i will be selling them though as i dont want any. So The only thing raised together will be the chicks and turkeys
Shouldnt the less than survial inclined turkeys have SOME company with a brain to show them how to eat and drink? That was my thinking, along with the higher protein feed issue, in considering putting the poults and keets together. We always put the ducks with the chicks.... I use non medicated feed and keep the waterer high so they cant make messes, its always been fine.

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