Can I Eat The Eggs??


In the Brooder
May 16, 2015
We have hens.
We have a rooster (two... but soon to be one, I think. That's another story.)

If we collect eggs the day (or next day) they're laid, can they be eaten, regardless of fertilization? At that stage, they're just eggs and safe to consume, right?

I don't want chicks, and I don't want to crack an egg and find feathers.

The more I read, the more stupid questions I feel like I have... lol. Help!!!
Yes you can eat them. They may be a fertile egg but nothing starts to develop until a broody hen has begun to sit on them or you put them in an incubator. Enjoy your eggs.
We have hens.
We have a rooster (two... but soon to be one, I think. That's another story.)

If we collect eggs the day (or next day) they're laid, can they be eaten, regardless of fertilization? At that stage, they're just eggs and safe to consume, right?

I don't want chicks, and I don't want to crack an egg and find feathers.

The more I read, the more stupid questions I feel like I have... lol. Help!!!
Not stupid....hey, if you don't know, you don't know, until you do know.

(There's only one truly stupid question...'are you lying?'..cause if you feel the need to ask that one, they probably are)
This is what I wanted to know, precisely :)

I don't want to crack an egg and find anything that should have hatched. If I can't see what it might be one day, I'm good with eating it. Thanks!!!

And yes, I have months until I'll be getting eggs... hehe

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