Can I feed 6 week old chicks....


In the Brooder
10 Years
Feb 21, 2009
Gulf Coast of Alabama
kitchen scraps? My chicks are in their coop now (YEAH!!!) and I have been feeding them some treats from the garden like lettuce leaves and they love it.

But, I have a question -- what about some kitchen scraps? I have a couple of biscuits left over from breakfast yesterday that are kinda hard and we're not going to eat them. Instead of throwing them away, I was thinking maybe I could give them to the chickens.

I also have a little sand box in the coop for them to feather dust in. I did see one of the chicks pecking at the sand so I'm thinking that they are using it for grit.
Yeah, they probably are using the sand for grit. If you feed anything other than commercial feed, grit is needed so they can process the food.

Watch for too much sodium or sugar. Remember that everything you feed them contributes to their nutrition. They do need a certain percentage of protein, vitamins, amino acids in their diets to lay e*g*g*s.
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A little bread wont' hurt them at all; my chicks LOVE it! Depending on how many chicks you have, you might want to do one biscuit in the morning and another tomorrow (they won't mind if it's super stale) just so they don't gorge too much on biscuit and not eat their other food.
I don't think a little busicut will hurt them at all. They will probably love it. Mine get stale bread , left over noodles, rice, ect. They will start looking for you to bring them treats. If mine hear me they start up with the come feed us something good. Remember in the old days people fed their chickens what ever they had. Mine get layer rations 24/7 but they love their treats. I remember one of my momma hens showing her brood the mulberries. It was so fun to watch. Most of all enjoy your chickens.
Thanks for the experience that you share! This is definitely the best place online for lots of helpful chicken information!

I am going to give them one biscuit this afternoon after I give them their fresh feed and water (I'll give them time to eat it first before their biscuit treat) and then another tomorrow morning....

I have been feeding/watering twice a day -- once in the morning and once in the early evening (about an hour before dark).

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