Can I feed my Hens anything other then layer feed?


8 Years
Mar 11, 2011
Can I feed my Hens anything other then layer feed?
I heard that layer feed is not very good for chickens, and that its filled with chemicals to force the hens to lay.

I really dont care how many eggs I get from them. I just want them heathy.
but if I feed them somthing else would they get the calcuim they need to lay any eggs?

I am feeding layer feed.
Who makes it ? I feed mine a locally made 17 % laying pellet & its not full of chemicals. There's so many different types of laying pellets out there. The one I feed is different than alot of others. The one I use you can feed from 8 weeks on.
I use an organic layer pellet, in theory no chemicals. I also offer oyster shell for calcium and grit as wanted. I also will mix in kelp to their scratch which is whole grains and black oil sunflower seeds. My hens free range under supervision for an hour or so most evenings. I also give them greens from the garden (close to organic), and a few treats each day such as dried meal worms, and their favorite: live crickets.

Chickens are omnivores. They will eat many different things.
I've had chickens for a lot of years. I have always fed a commercial layer feed and allow free choice oyster shell. My hens are healthy, active, and well feathered.

Layer feed contains the nutrition and minerals a hen needs to lay and maintain good health. It does not force a hen to lay. They will still stop laying to moult, if it's too hot or when the days get shorter they may slow down on the laying. They will also stop laying from poor nutrition.

If you are very concerned about the contents of your feed then perhaps switch to an organic feed.
You can feed them just about anything, with some savvy in nutrition they'll be healthy but without the added protein layer feed contains they wont lay many eggs. Without added calcium layer feed contains the shells will be weak. It's not hormones or laboratory made chemical compounds that induce laying, it's a hens natural body function. Layer feed blends take into account necessary nutritional needs for optimum body performance. Like an athlete would drink protein shakes and take vitamins.
I heard that layer feed is not very good for chickens, and that its filled with chemicals to force the hens to lay.

Someone has given you completely erroneous information. There are several hundred million chickens eating commercial layer feed every day. If it was not very good for them then it would not be used.

The following post contains the facts. Read it.

You can feed them just about anything, with some savvy in nutrition they'll be healthy but without the added protein layer feed contains they wont lay many eggs. Without added calcium layer feed contains the shells will be weak. It's not hormones or laboratory made chemical compounds that induce laying, it's a hens natural body function. Layer feed blends take into account necessary nutritional needs for optimum body performance. Like an athlete would drink protein shakes and take vitamins.​

That is my frist time hearing that layer feed is not very good for chickens. Just about everyone I know feeds their chickens layer feed. There isn't anything wrong with Layer feed.

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