I have a flock of layers that is looking terribly worn and moth eaten. A few of them look fine (mostly the broodies that seem to moult at the end of their broody stint and grow all their feathers in new...) but there are a few that are Bojangles favourites and they look awful. I have hen saddles on the worst ones but there are still some very raw spots on some of them. I have put Bojangles into a separate area and he gets to run with them every other day for a few hours while they free range for a while (he does a great job looking out for hawks etc).
My question is, can I bring on a moult for these hens? I was wondering if I cut back the hours of light to about 10 tonight if that would bring on a moult so they could all refeather? I know I would lose out on the eggs but I am concerned about some of the hens health, a few of them look really raw... Ideas anyone? Does anyone else do this, can it be done?
My question is, can I bring on a moult for these hens? I was wondering if I cut back the hours of light to about 10 tonight if that would bring on a moult so they could all refeather? I know I would lose out on the eggs but I am concerned about some of the hens health, a few of them look really raw... Ideas anyone? Does anyone else do this, can it be done?