Can i give 5 month old peachicks heat?

They are fine outside in a normal winter in Ireland.

Unless it gets really stormy, they are better off out getting fresh air than being stuck inside. They should have constant access to the inside so they get in if they need to and you can put them in if the weather gets very bad. A few extra outdoor shelters are a good idea in our climate.

I wonder if you were told to keep them in until March so that they don't leave. Do you have a fully covered aviary? I know you had a previous predator problem so you need a large area that they can't get out of and predators can't get in to. Something small birds can't get in to either is also a good idea with the bird flu around.
What will I get if i cross the black shoulder peacock with the opal black shoulder peahen? Or if I cross the black shoulder peacock with an Indian blue peahen?
They’ll be fine if they have a dry and draft free area to get out of the weather. I like to get my chicks off heat as soon as possible. They grow and feather out faster. Unless you have late season hatched chicks. Then that’s a whole different situation..
What will I get if i cross the black shoulder peacock with the opal black shoulder peahen? Or if I cross the black shoulder peacock with an Indian blue peahen?
Not to be a negative Nancy.. but.. if it’s the same 2 birds you posted a pic of. You won’t get anything from the Opal blackshoulder and blackshoulder because they are both males.

Blackshoulder and India blue will all be India blue split blackshoulder.

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