Can I give them rabbit and hamster food?


In the Brooder
May 17, 2020
A friend had leftover rabbit and hamster food after her rabbit died, and gave them to me thinking I can give it to the chickens since chickens seem to eat pretty much everything. Is this safe for chickens? Not to use exclusively of course, but to include some in their regular food?
Thank you!
A friend had leftover rabbit and hamster food after her rabbit died, and gave them to me thinking I can give it to the chickens since chickens seem to eat pretty much everything. Is this safe for chickens? Not to use exclusively of course, but to include some in their regular food?
Thank you!
I’m not sure but My jumbo pekin duck likes to sneak into my rabbit pens and steal their food occasionally! She is a bit of a piggy and is definitely spoiled... :lau :th :idunno

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