Can i give these baby calls some lettuce?

Going Quackers

12 Years
May 24, 2011
On, Canada
Chopped real finely and with chick grit obviously, it would be romaine? or should i leave it a few more days for them to settle in?
age? um, 1-3 days i'd say, honestly i did not ask... it was an adventure to get them and basing on size, the couple days aging is likely accurate.
Chopped real finely and with chick grit obviously, it would be romaine? or should i leave it a few more days for them to settle in?
age? um, 1-3 days i'd say, honestly i did not ask... it was an adventure to get them and basing on size, the couple days aging is likely accurate.
I can't see any reason why not, maybe float some in water that way they can eat and play at the same time.
I can't see any reason why not, maybe float some in water that way they can eat and play at the same time.

well i tried them with some, they are still slowly eating it. I didn't do much, but cripes there are so small, talk about extremes geez, my 'scovies rival a dust buster.
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