Can I hatch my quail eggs with a heat lamp?


In the Brooder
Apr 10, 2020
I recently ordered 12 quail eggs and wanted to know if I could just use a heat lamp instead of an incubator. I’ve heard that it works but just wanted to get some other people’s opinions on it, thanks
I would say no. It’s going to cost you more money to run a heat lamp 24/7 for up to 21 days. And you’d need a ventilated box that can hold the heat in, which can be dangerous with a heat lamp. You’ll have to hand turn them upwards of 5 times a day. And when it comes to hatching you need to create a humid environment so they can hatch safely.

An incubator is a much easier environment to control and it’s safest. IMO, heat lamps on eggs should only be used in emergencies.
Yes, of course you can. But it would take a great deal of observations and hands on work for you. Go for it, you would learn so much.

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