Can i have 2 boy guineas and 1 girl?

So i got 3 guineas 2 boys 1 girl about 3-4 months they are nice friendly and alert. Just wondering if i well have any problems in the future?
Unlike chickens, having multiple males with a single female is not normally harmful to the guinea hen. In most cases the dominant male will become the hen's mate and the other male will help watch for perceived threats.

It is better to have a bigger group of guineas since guineas are flock birds and do better in large groups.
Unlike chickens, having multiple males with a single female is not normally harmful to the guinea hen. In most cases the dominant male will become the hen's mate and the other male will help watch for perceived threats.

It is better to have a bigger group of guineas since guineas are flock birds and do better in large groups.
Understood, i need more i had 1 other one but she died when i brought her home.

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