Can I have chickens or not?

The ordinance quoted is extremely vague! Technically it doesn't say you can't have them - only that you can't breed or sell, and that animals can't be a nuisance and must stay contained - but it also doesn't say you can.

What does your city/county zoning say? Maybe look at that first?
“No person may keep, breed, board or raise any animal, livestock, reptile, or poultry of any kind for breeding (ex. to sell offspring) or other commercial purpose on any residential home or upon any part of the Common Element."

Key phrasing here is not 'breeding or other commercial purpose' - so pets and eggs I'd say yes, but anything where money/barter/favors are exchanged (i.e. selling eggs to neighbors), nope.

"No pets shall be kept which constitute a nuisance or which unreasonably interfere with any owner's right to the quiet enjoyment of his/her property. Any complaints will be reported to the County and Township offices. "

This means keep em clean and quiet and cute. No one appreciates stinky noisy pets (except maybe those dog owners).

"Pets must be kept in a contained area or on a leash, chain or rope at all times when outside. "

You need to have a coop, that seems fair. Alternately keep em in coop inside (garage) and take em for walks on leash around the neighborhood.

"All pet waste must be cleaned up within a reasonable time period. Owners must pick up after pets in the common elements or be subject to fines."

Again, stinky pets stink. On the bright side you get take your droppings home and throw em directly into your yard. ;)

"One doghouse per lot is permitted but must meet the following criteria: (1) the color of the doghouse must match the color of the home; (2) the doghouse must be placed immediately at the rear of the home and is not permitted to be located in a side yard.”"

Seems quite discriminatory out of the gate especially if your city generally allows chickens as pets. Many doghouses are larger than a small coop.

"Does this means I can’t have chickens, or does it mean I just can’t have them for commercial or breeding?"

Just means you can't have em to make money, or to raise their young for anything other than personal consumption. This also means that while you'd be able to keep & slaughter rabbits, you couldn't sell their meat, pelts, or any good made from them.

Actually it means you can’t have them. That’s exactly what mine says and I was told no chickens, whatsoever. That they know of. But you’ll need to ask to double check

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