can I incubate an egg in my bra? please help!


In the Brooder
10 Years
Aug 28, 2009
Hello, I had a mama abandon her eggs on day 15. I took 3 of the 4 eggs, to see of she would go back to the last egg. She ended up breaking it!!! It had a fully developed baby in it and a yolk sack
so, I kept the 3 last ones under a heat lamp, with wet cloths around them. One problem was that i couldn't really get the temp to hold steady. I woke up one morning to find the temp of one egg 107!!!
I really thought there was no hope. Yesterday morning, I woke up to a pip!!!! I couldn't believe it! Hours and hours went by, and the membrane that I could see was very white and tough. so, I decided to help it along, as the peeping was getting fainter. I closely followed the directions on this site, and soon had a lively little black chick:love She is all fluffy and active today!
So now i have one more egg (after candling them, I saw one was no good) I cant seem to keep the temp steady, never mind the humidity!! I am wondering if i can keep it in my bra
? I have a fairly active lifestyle, so I will have to be very careful. But I think I am on day 19. Is this the next best option???? Oh, I candled it this morning, and saw movement!
There was someone that had incubated chicks on her body!!!!! You can do it!

LOL I remember sticking an egg in my bra and joking with my DH about incubating it there. Well, I am kind of top heavy and the egg just snuggled in there so good and I forgot it was in there!! Later on, like 2 or 3 hours later, I was getting in the shower and took my bra off and out falls the egg, smashing on the floor! LOL I don't think I would be any good at it....
19 days is when some hatcherys poke holes in eggs and immunize the chicks so you are probably going to be ok...... in an incubator, we stop turning eggs the last three days... I think you are going to hatch an egg without an issue.. Woo Hoo Good Luck!
You could always give it your best shot, if you are well blessed. A shoe box and small light bulb with a thermometer might work better though, as how will you sleep? Best of luck with the eggie.
THANK YOU!!!! that is just what i wanted to hear!!! I hope, hope, hope you are right! I haven't figured out the sleep thing yet.....
I think it was here where the girl hatched chicksn on herself. Search the Search engine on here and see....

I think I remember she said she slept in a recliner...

Go for it! Keep us updated on it!!!!!
Yelp.....she slept in her recliner...... I would go for it
You are on day 19 so not to long to incubate...... Let us know how this turns out!!

Watch this video... other than how roughly they are treating the sweet little chicks, this video is well worth watching. They poke a hole in the shell at day 18.5 to vacinate and then the eggs HATCH on day 19.. 2 full days early. I think you are already out of the woods girl! This little chick is one lucky duck! I bet she will have on very special name.... Lucky.... Faith..... HOPE....

this video is the same one that the 2txmedics postes about sexing with the wing feathers on newbies.

Very informative video... but the main thing for you is that they hatched on day 19! Woo Hoo!

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