Can I introduce more chicks into my flock of the same age?


9 Years
Apr 10, 2013
Riverton, UT
I have four 5 week old chicks and wanted to add two more. Can I do this? Does anyone have some experience? What if I added chicks younger?
You can add them No problem. Might be a little pecking order adjustment but it will not be a problem. I've also added younger chicks. With 5 week olds Id go as young as 2 week olds. The only problem I can see is a Bio-security issue. If they are coming from another farm a 30 day quarantine period may be recommended. If coming from a hatchery you can add them without quarantine.
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I have merged groups of chicks together no problem, especially at this young age. There may be a little bit of pecking just to get the order established, but they will do fine!
I went ahead and added two to my flock. Now I have a total of 6 i am sooo excited There is a three week gap between them but so far they are doing great.
Just an update. Younger chicks are doing great. The older ones seem to be keeping them warm and taking great care of them, no pecking order at all (I have baby cam in the coop so I can see what's going on all the time).

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