can i just skin my chickens?

I would love to see the video as well. We plan on skinning most of ours. We'd still like a few roasters, but we have a good friend who has all the equipment so we can take ours over on one of his processing days. Nice!
We just did ours today. It was our first time. We skinned all 21 of them. I just roasted a skinless one covered in the oven and it was delicious! I seasoned it up with some herbs, stuffed it, drizzled it with a little olive oil on both sides, put a little water in the pot, put foil on, and cooked it at 350. I didn't find it dry at all and the juice was delicious. I've already got the leftover meat deboned and in the pot of juices to make a chicken soup tomorrow!
I skinned my whole flock and then de-doned the breast, took to the legs thighs off, and kept the wings for chicken soup. Easiest way I know how.

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