Can I keep 3 roosters?


In the Brooder
May 16, 2015
Thanks to everyone who helped me out today in confirming what I feared. I bought 6 pullets at the start of march and now I realize I have 3 cockerels. I have a good size chicken tractor and was wondering if these birds could all live in harmony?

I have a pair of Ameraucana's, a pair of Rhode Island Reds and a light Brahma male with a Barred rock female.

What are the chances of keeping all of these birds?

Thank you!
Of course you can keep 3 roosters but you and the 3 hens will pay. I'd get rid of all 3. Get 3-4 more hens while you still can. If one of those ends up being a cockerel, revisit it.
Can they all live together? Sure if you don't mind your hens being constantly harassed, chased, and overbred by multiple cockerels waiting in line for their turn, along with the cockerels fighting over the hens. Put 2 or all of the males in the freezer and your hens will thank you.
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