Can i keep eggs on my counter if i have a rooster?


Kiss My Grits...
Premium Feather Member
11 Years
May 19, 2008
Western MA
hi...i was wondering if i can keep some of my eggs on my counter in a basket(i think they look pretty like that!..
.)if i have a rooster?...because maybe the eggs will be fertilized...(i dont EVEN want the rooster..but he's my little silkies only friend..hes the only one that cuddles with her on the coop floor at night, and i'm afraid if i get rid of him..she'll freeze or something this winter..with no other chickens by her to help keep her warm)...and can you even eat a fertilized egg?...and how can i tell if my egg i'm eating has been fertilized?...LOL...sorry so many questions!...thanks, wendy
In terms of eating, there is no difference between a fertilized egg and a non-fertilized egg. You can eat them just fine either way, and there is no difference in flavor.

You should also be able to keep them on the counter without having them hatch - as long as you don't keep your home as warm as a mama chicken's butt.
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LOL...pixiechic...thanks for the info., so even if they are fertilized..they can still be kept on my counter?...being fertilized wont make them spoil faster or anything?...thanks again, Wendy
I have a basket on my counter and I keep eggs in it up to 2 weeks without being refridgirated.
I, family or anyone I give eggs to not gotten sick eating these eggs at least I know of;)
One thing though, I do not wash the eggs I set on the counter. There is a natural protective coating on them.
The only difference in fertilized or unfertilized eggs is that if you get the fertilized ones to a certain temp they will grow a chick. If they are kept at lower temps they don't change at all. In some countries (and I don't mean 3rd world but countries with as strict of health regulations as ours) they don't even refrigerate eggs. They leave them sit on counters at the store. So long as they aren't kept really warm such as middle of summer without the air conditioning on they are fine.
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