Can I keep geese?

Our neighbour approached us about our LF cockerel who we soon re-homed.. Would they be on the same level of noise as a cockerel?
Appreciate all the feedback!
At both ends the stream is blocked of into a small pipe and reopened on the other side of the fence so no chance of them being carried and the water runs VERY slowly.. I have a large sheds that's not in use so that would be housing. I buy a lot of greens for the hens so that is not a problem either.
So how are your neighbors do they mind your hens, my goodness some of my hens when they sing the egg song are loud as the dickens and that can go on for hours. I have 2 roos also but my closet neighbor is across the river but I have met them and they said they can hear my Embden gander.

I'd try to get a feel for how they will be if you got geese. Other than the noise and neighbors complaining I'd say your set up is good to go.
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Our neighbour approached us about our LF cockerel who we soon re-homed.. Would they be on the same level of noise as a cockerel?
Appreciate all the feedback!
Well about a month ago every morning when i let mine out I have 4 they were so loud all 4 of them it would last about 5 mins then they would quiet down. That was much louder than a LF cockerel but it didn't go on all through the day like a roos can crow anytime he feels the urge. and start at 4:30 am. another good reason besides protection to have them in a secure building over night.
The relationship we have with our neighbour is.. Civil lol
No complaints about the hens (there are only four and their egg songs never last more than ten mins although they are loud!)
About half a mile and sound really carries here.

Right.. Might have to re-think
half a mile!
The relationship we have with our neighbour is.. Civil lol
No complaints about the hens (there are only four and their egg songs never last more than ten mins although they are loud!)
My hens have to wait in line to use one nest box although there are many, so when one starts they all join in even the roos. so they usually keep it going most of the morning during peak laying season I now only have 11 hens but some of them are very loud . Thankfully we don't have a noise ordinance in our county. Alot of people have bad ideas about geese from experiences they have encountered with them at parks ponds etc. and it gives geese a bad rap. So first thing that pops into many peoples minds is they are going to be loud they are going to stink up the place they bite. [and they do bite] lol alot of people like to keep them because they will keep the riff raff away. I don't let mine intentionally bite others because I keep mine fenced where no one should be unless I invite them.
It's a big decision I hope you make the right one and you don't end up having to find them another home Geese really do like quiet and they don't like change. They are awesome to have.
Right.. Might have to re-think
half a mile!
We're above a mountain river and I can hear people across the river talking in a normal tone. Sound really does carry here. I can't say how it would be in a normal neighborhood as far as noise but there will be noise at times just can't be helped when you have geese or any other type of poultry.

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