Can I keep Peafowl And Chickens In the Same Pen?

i have 2 peacocks .new at this too. right now they are in a pen seperated from my chickens but do roost at night with them in the coop.most of the time chickens free range during the far i have had no problems.i will be building a coop for peacock this spring so they will be seperated.
OUr India Blues are not mean, but theyare very curious and seem to like to tease the other animals including the chickens. Our chickens and peas do run together, all free range. So far we have not had problems. We do deworm with a broad spectrum dewormer.

I am new to this Peahen forum but what de-wormer do you use and what is the regiment? Do you de-worm the chickens too? I just got my birds from a friend who kept them separate from anything else. My hens are now in a separate pen but the chickens free range all around. Any advice would be welcome.

Hello @Dstevens and

There's a lot of wormer info here. Most peapeople seem to use Safeguard goat drench (suspension), 10% fenbendazole. Here's one of many threads on the topic:
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Peacocks are not mean Just Stupid, and like to fend off Preditors I got 5 in HUGE CAGE 30x15x8tall and they live with 20 chickens and a rooster AND 2 male cats 24/7 None can escape But peacocks tend to cry out for a female and after few yrs they will just fly away....
so get both sexs
I would say definitely not. People will say you can but it's one of those things where everything is fine until it's not. I had peas and chickens together for almost ten years without trouble and then one year disease swept through and killed several of my breeders. You theoretically can do it long term with success but you have to medicate very aggressively and worm more so it's really not worth the trouble. Contrary to alot of popular opinion regular india blues can become VERY aggressive to other poultry such as chickens. We had a neighbor whose chickens got out and wandered over to our bird feeder for food and my IB male went berserk and chased them all the way out of the yard. The same thing went for cats and sometimes squirrels if it was during the mating season. My midnight BS cock did this too when he was allowed outside. To sum it all up I definitely don't recommend it as it's alot like playing russian roulette you can have a long winning streak but eventually you'll probably lose big and peafowl are expensive to replace.
We've had peafowl and chickens together since 2009. But they free range. Our peas are very protective of the hens and chicks, and they will break up fights among the chickens or protect one who is being picked on by the others, or is alone.. Yes, occasionally they might decide they don't like one or two of the chickens, but it has not been a big deal for us. We do deworm very regularly, but again it is no big deal. We are not breeding anything to sell, we have basically a closed flock, and they all get along pretty much just fine. I can see why a peacock might chase strange birds away, especially during breeding season. ,
My peafowl and chicken live in a big enclosure together and get along perfect. They also live with rabbits. The peacock will try to scare of cats and rats for the other animals. My peafowl dont pick on any of the chicken or fight my rooster. Also i had chicks and the peacock looked after them well.
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How much separation should there be? Say, if they fed together and grazed together, but slept apart. Would that be enough to prevent disease, if things were clean? I've had chickens, but never peafowl.

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