Can I let her raise them with the flock?


6 Years
Dec 29, 2017
Battle Ground, WA
Plans have changed. We won't be able to divide the second yard into a third.
Both my parents currently are semi-living with my grandmother to take care of her so my dad won't be able to help with the yard. I actually do need my dad with dividing the yards as it was originally his idea and there are things I'm unable to move.

We have a coop that was going to be put into it's own yard for chicks and a mother hen but now I won't be able to do that. The coop for the hen and chicks take up a bit of space so I was wondering how I might go about letting her raise them with the flock?
Only 2 of our hens, both are Black sex links, have always been very friendly towards chicks. I've even seen them offer food to them before.

I will need to measure the main coop after I post this but the yard attached to it is 8'x15'
The whole flock free ranges during the day and they only use their yard during rainy days which isn't too often.

By the way, I won't be getting the chicks until she goes broody. Should be soon though!
What would you suggest to use for that?
Something stiff, like 14ga 1x2, so it can stand alone and holes too small for chicks to go thru. What you use might depend on where it will be installed.

ETA....and the space will need to be large enough for a nest, feed, water, and room to poop. You'll want to put her in there with some fake eggs as soon as you're sure she's broody, then wait a couple weeks before adding the chicks.
Something stiff, like 14ga 1x2, so it can stand alone and holes too small for chicks to go thru. What you use might depend on where it will be installed.

ETA....and the space will need to be large enough for a nest, feed, water, and room to poop. You'll want to put her in there with some fake eggs as soon as you're sure she's broody, then wait a couple weeks before adding the chicks.
Yeah, it looks like she'll go broody soon. I keep finding her in the nesting box but I do know that doesn't always mean broodiness. She's half silkie and half cochin so it makes sense for her to constantly go broody every year.
Yeah, it looks like she'll go broody soon. I keep finding her in the nesting box but I do know that doesn't always mean broodiness. She's half silkie and half cochin so it makes sense for her to constantly go broody every year.
Has she been broody before?
Has she been broody before?
Yes. 3 of our hens were raised by her.
She raised some chicks last year but they sadly didn't make it past 3 weeks of age. It was mostly my fault as I didn't provide the right bedding in their little coop.
She's going to be 4 years old this year.

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