Can I let my young flock free range for small amounts of time?


6 Years
May 8, 2013
I have a flock with 6 pullets and a cockerel. I got 3 pullets Aug 30th and the rest Sept 9th, but I don't know exactly how long ago that was. Anyway, they're inside their coop right now with just a light bulb and a heat lamp. I'm working on getting their outside enclosure ready but it's very difficult (and to make matters worse all the cement I was using for the posts got wet in the rain so now I need to get more) and I'm not sure when I can get it done. Anyway, I'm wondering just how safe it is if I let them roam around outside for the first time for a short amount of time (< 60 min). I'm worried they may stray off. Any ideas? Due to where I live, I know that if they get lost and I can't find them before night they're dead.
Chickens generally don't stray too far from their coop and usually come back on their own. Your rooster will help a lot in keeping the flock together and returning them safely. I think it would be fine if you let them out. If you only want them to free range for a little while, then let them out 1 or 2 hours before sunset and they will come back on their own, saving you the work of trying to herd chickens. :)

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