Can I mix poultry and waterfowl? Feed types?


8 Years
Feb 24, 2011
I have 10 turkeys, 13 chicks, 10 bantams, and 6 ducks (all are 1 week old). I have everything in the same area (2'x4' tub), they all seem healthy at the moment and I've had them together for a week. The ducks seem messy so i'm guessing they may need to be seperate. I'm feeding everything 20% chick crumbles and I'm wondering if I need different types of feed, especially since I have 10 guinees on their way here. My turkeys look like they may be getting angel wing. Anyways, I'm wondering what people who know more than me suggest, I don't want any of them to grow up unhealthy.
Thanks, Tanya
The ducks need niacin added to their feed. I use Brewer's Yeast, powdered, and just sprinkle it over theirs every few days for ducklings.

Yes, they need separate brooding space because they grow bigger much faster and they play in the waterers.

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