Can I move this broody banty?


Chicken Maiden
9 Years
Jun 14, 2010
I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this topic, but received no answer in the Hatching section..

I have a broody in a wire dog crate in my utility room. Primarily because it was way below zero with blizzard conditions when she started. (It was a suprise. This is my first year with chickens.) She started sitting on the 27th of Janurary. It is now supposed to be 40-55 for the next 10 days or so, 20's at night. I would like to move her to a partitioned off area in the coop, which is part of a big barn. I do have a heat lamp that I could put in her area. I would move pen and all in the back of my truck.
Question #1- Would this harm the eggs or disturb her too much? She didn't mind the ride down and has settled in nicely.
Question #2- Should I turn the heat lamp on if I do move her?

Any help is appreciated. Next time around I will be better prepared
I have to agree with MyKidLuvsGreenEgz. I wouldn't move her. Just let her stay there until her eggs hatch and then move her to the partitioned area that you are talking about. Are you ok with her being inside for now? If so, then just let her stay inside. I would hate to disturb her and the eggs.

Hope this helps.
Ditto that! If you can bare with her in the house another week, it would be a lot better for her.
Great. Okay will do! I can handle it. She's pretty busy doing her thing! I cobbled together a nesting box, but the lid must be too low. She is sitting on the eggs outside the box, but still in the crate. I was hoping to move that box out of there, but I'll just wait until the chicks hatch.

Thank you!!
I suggest taking the nesting box out of her crate. She thinks her entire crate is a nesting box and feels secure because she's alone in the utility room with no other birds bothering her. This will give her a little more room to move around. Best of luck on the hatch. How many eggs is she sitting on? You are so sweet for helping her out.

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