Can i put rabbit into the coop at night?

Did you get hay and a playpen yet? The playpen is pretty much essential when trying to bond with her. I would set it up outside, and sit in it with her while holding some food. Let her come up to you. Dont try to pet her at first until you can tell she is comfortable. In the playpen she can have space to play while still being safe. After that you can use it to setup a place for her in your basement.
And she really needs some hay. It's a crucial part of her diet. Petco and Petsmart has it, but get the largest bag. She'll go through the small ones in a week. I would either order hay from some place, or pay like $5 for a bunch of hay from a local farm.
Her rabbit pellets have enough hay in them. I don't give my rabbits anything besides an occasional treat and their pellets and they do great. I agree though that dandelions are a very enjoyed treat. Even my picky ones will eat them
Sorry, got a big bag of hay from a local farmer + i give her greens like dandelion etc. She's getting more confident in her hutch and starting to trust me. Last time when i let her out on the garden i decided to do this when she gets better with me as i couldn't catch her (grandpa had to help me). When i open the door she sometimes looks down at the chickens or sniff my hand. Didn't get playpen. I may improvise one when she gets to trust me, just like i've made one for one sick and bullied hen, but with the roof. Btw she's been mated some days ago and we are waiting for she to born:p :bun . I gave her bowl as she didn't seem to like drinking from the bootle.
I had a strictly outdoor rabbit that was 9yrs old when I put her down for cancer
She lived with the chickens, on the ground and did fine. She also tunneled alot but never tunneled out. The tunnel was essential for surviving the winter and summer, she was a big meat rabbit 12lbs. Rabbits do better on the ground so I would say yes, put her in so she can dig like they are meant to
No coop nor playpen. She's doing fine but i don't think she likes me. On farming forum i got to know that rabbit females are often vicious etc
Yeah, unspayed females can be like that. After she has her first litter I would spay her. Also, you should have her inside when she gives birth, much bigger chance that the babies will survive. Just try to spend lots of time with her and be calm. Dont ever chase her or try to pick her up from right above her. Gradually get close and then quickly pick her up with her head tucked into your elbow so she doesn't see how high up she is.

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