Can I see a picture of your waterer?

Found them, tyvm.

Lastly....let's say...hypothetically.....just for argument's sake.....that I have stupid chickens. Are these something they will easily get acclimated to or do they have to get taught how? Did your chickens get the point relatively quickly?
Chickens can generally find water pretty quickly. If you introduce something new to them, one of them will peck at it and then everyone else will run over and see what's going on. I have watered chickens with a rabbit waterer. Some of them love it and some don't but they will all drink from it.
The nipples are the best way to go. The water stays clean, something very important to me. I use them on the bottom of a 5 gal. bucket, 3 to a bucket. Use the threaded ones, as the push in style, the birds can hit 'em hard enough to loosen the small rubber flange that seals them up, and they will start dripping. The threaded ones need a wrap of teflon tape around them before you thread them in to the 11/32 hole you drilled for them. I've heard that rubber cement also works well, but I've never used that method. Even if your birds are a couple of years old and have always gotten their water out of a tray, they will adapt to the nipples in about 5 minutes.
This is exactly what I use. I also drill a 1" hole in the top of the bucket so all I have to do is pull the hose to each bucket and fill them up. No carrying big heavy buckets around!!
I'm liking the idea more and more. I think that's what I'll do in the next renovation. Thanks so much for all the information, ppls!
I use the LG auto waterers that hook up to the plumbing in the barn. I've had them for 6 months and I love them. It took a little patience to adjust them but after that it was a piece of cake. The instructions are not that clear for someone who is not mechanically inclined.
LOVE this! I'm definitely going to give this a shot! About how tall is the piece of pvc and how high from the ground are the holes? Thanks!!!





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