Can I use an electric fence with ducks?


6 Years
Apr 26, 2014
I have tried everything to keep our ducks inside their 1 acre fenced area. We have replaced the fence twice with higher (it's now 4 feet chicken wire), clipped one wing, clipped two wings, told them they were bad, bad ducks and they still get out. They have food and water and a pond, but they like to wander the rest of our 10 acres. The problem is that they keep going in the road. We lost a goose 18 months ago and yesterday we lost 2 ducks. Kids are heartbroken.

They climb the fence and they "fly" over. (We have WH, KC, pekins, Rouens and mutts.)

The space is too big to cover and I'm not sure that going up higher is going to fix anything. (Really! I watch them use beak, claws and wings to climb up and over.) Years ago, we had a low voltage dog electric fence that we put up to keep our Houdini dog in and wondered if this would work with ducks. I don't want to hurt them but we need to keep them safe and I don't want any more duck funerals!! Any guidance would be very much appreciated!!
Yeah. I'm sure. I've tried like 3 different times and watched them just go to flapping like mad and climbing to get over.
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I keep my ducks (Khaki Campbells and Welsh Harlequins) contained with electric fencing and I would definitely recommend it. In our area the only threat is red foxes but they are very sly, my next door neighbor lost 50 ducks in 1 night, which is the main reason why we went for electric fencing.

Our netting is 145cm tall (almost 5 ft) and keeps them contained very well.
I keep my ducks (Khaki Campbells and Welsh Harlequins) contained with electric fencing and I would definitely recommend it. In our area the only threat is red foxes but they are very sly, my next door neighbor lost 50 ducks in 1 night, which is the main reason why we went for electric fencing.

Our netting is 145cm tall (almost 5 ft) and keeps them contained very well.
Where do you put the wire? How high off the ground? Do you use horse fence? Dog fence?

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