Can I use the plastic coated wire for the floor of the run? Or do you have any suggestions?


6 Years
May 6, 2013
West Texas
I have a problem that's been bugging me. I have a guy coming out tomorrow to start building my coop/run.

We have a ton of field mice, rats and gophers on our property. Surrounded by farm land, it's never going to change. I also worry if they tunnel in, snakes can follow right behind them. I really want to cover the floor of the run with HW cloth, but am worried about when it starts rusting.

Could I use something like this plastic coated HW cloth? Or does anyone have any suggestions for me? I do plan on the apron going out and down, but if you've seen some of my tunnels, they go pretty deep.

If I do cover the floor, my plans are to make the bottom sides of the run about 8 inches high (wood) and then cover the HW cloth with dirt or sand about 6 inches deep.

Am I over thinking this?
We have serious problems with coyotes and stray dogs out here in Northern Nevada, so the only solution that we have found that works (after losing two girls) is to put wire down on the ground in the run we lock them up in at night. It looks ugly, but so far it has kept my girls safe at night. We literally had to throw it together over a day, so it looks bad, but it works. It doesn't seem to hurt their feet, but they're only in it during the night, when I'm not home, and when I have to chase them into it like a crazy woman to get pics lol.
I am so glad to see I'm not the only one who has this problem. I "plan" to try and keep it covered with sand or whatever, but we'll see how the reality measures up. Between them scratching, and the dust blowing......

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