Can I use the same bath water for 2 legions of ducks?


May 25, 2020
Hi everyone!

I have 5 Ancona from one farm that were born May 15.

I just got 4 crosses between Cayuga, khaki, and roens, that were born the same day, from another farm.

I am not introducing them until they feather, but can I use the same bath water, or do I need to sanitize between baths?
You should keep the duckling groups separate from one another for around two weeks to make sure neither group has symptoms of any sickness. You can give each group a bucket of water or two, short enough for them to easily get their heads into. They'll bathe themselves from a bucket just fine.

As long as the weather is warm, they can swim/splash, etc. to their little hearts' content. If you want to give them a kiddie pool before the two weeks are up, then I'd buy them each a pool. They're cheap. Do make sure they can easily get OUT of the pool, though. I hear that ducklings can drown if they get tired and aren't able or can't figure out how to get out.

In case you haven't had ducks before... any water you give them will very quickly become defiled. You'll want to make provisions to change it frequently.
You should keep the duckling groups separate from one another for around two weeks to make sure neither group has symptoms of any sickness. You can give each group a bucket of water or two, short enough for them to easily get their heads into. They'll bathe themselves from a bucket just fine.

As long as the weather is warm, they can swim/splash, etc. to their little hearts' content. If you want to give them a kiddie pool before the two weeks are up, then I'd buy them each a pool. They're cheap. Do make sure they can easily get OUT of the pool, though. I hear that ducklings can drown if they get tired and aren't able or can't figure out how to get out.

In case you haven't had ducks before... any water you give them will very quickly become defiled. You'll want to make provisions to change it frequently.
And yes ducklings can and do drown if they cannot easily get out of the water.
Thanks for the replies, everyone!

I should probably clarify some things. They were all born May 15, so they're all over 2 weeks old. They do not swim unattended.

They are swimming in their own separate kiddie pools, but only for 10-15 minutes at a time. The water isn't "that bad" after one set of ducks swims in it. To avoid having to change out two pools, I was wondering if it was safe, health wise, to use the same water back-to-back, letting one legion swim for 15 mins and then the second legion. Of course, once they're big enough, and it's mucked up too much, I wouldn't do that, but is there a risk of disease if they touch each other's stuff in the meantime?
Thanks for the replies, everyone!

I should probably clarify some things. They were all born May 15, so they're all over 2 weeks old. They do not swim unattended.

They are swimming in their own separate kiddie pools, but only for 10-15 minutes at a time. The water isn't "that bad" after one set of ducks swims in it. To avoid having to change out two pools, I was wondering if it was safe, health wise, to use the same water back-to-back, letting one legion swim for 15 mins and then the second legion. Of course, once they're big enough, and it's mucked up too much, I wouldn't do that, but is there a risk of disease if they touch each other's stuff in the meantime?
Yes there is, especially with sharing water. Many pathogens need moisture to survive.

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