Can My 3-Day Olds Have Fleas?

Correct...I'm not sure it's been warm enough here for fleas to hatch outside yet.

Sounds like I should treat my cat for safety and treat my carpet too. Luckily half of my house is wood flooring.

It's still not clear what I should do for the chicks though...if anything. I guess point is that my chickens out in the coop don't get treated and are exposed to fleas in the yard, so maybe I don't need to treat the chicks (right?).
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Unfortunately, here it never gets cold enough to kill all of them off.
I had never seen so many fleas and ticks till I moved here and worked at a grooming place!

I use Frontline spray on my cats and dogs (can be used on either and lasts waaaaaaaaay longer then the drops) because NOTHING else here gets rid of fleas.
I agree that you have a severe infestation of fleas in your home and on all of your property, you must treat it all soon and directly or the problem will certainly continue.

UPDATE: They're not fleas...they're little gnats. Still don't know where they came from, but they are gone. I have a feeling that they were from some bananas that I bought...darn Organic Bananas...paid twice as much per pound for them. I got them by mistake anyway.

Thanks for all the help anyway, folks!

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