Can my cat pick up roundworms if my chicken is shedding them?


12 Years
Nov 19, 2007
I have the chicken inside my house in a hospital pen on my linoleum kitchen floor in the corner while he is being dewormed (with Piperazine), but there are just newspapers on the floor and my cat keeps hanging out by the pen. Is there any possibility that my cat (or I for that matter) could pick up the roundworm eggs? (I.E. my cat sits by the pen and then I pick up the cat, etc).

I realize I should put the chicken outside but it's way too cold for him to be outside right now. I'm clenning up the newspapers often, and trashing them, but the worm shedding is pretty major right now.

Are roundworms the same for human, cat, and chicken?

Please advise, because I may need to rework my hospital pen tonight if that's possible.
I think that any worms shed will be dead/dying, so you and your cat should be ok. It wouldn't hurt to worm your cat just in case, but unless you don't wash your hands after dealing with the poop before you eat, (ewwwwwww!!!) you should be fine. Hope this helps!
Ewwwww is right!!! I usually double and triple wash my hands just to make sure (i have NO interest in catching roundworm!). And I mopped the floor with ammonia, just to make sure. Especially since I just did some research and apparently humans, cats and other pets CAN get roundworm from each other. Yikes!! It said that the eggs of the roundworm are being released via poop and it is possible to ingest the eggs if your hygiene is not good (like kids who may not wash up before putting their hands in their mouth). The google site said that even though humans are not the typical host for the chicken/pet roundworm, that once it gets into the intestine (of the human) it can burrow through the wall and end up in the bloodstream where larvae can cause longterm damage to organs or whereever the larvae embed. For example they have been known to cause blindness because the larvae pile up in an area behind the eye.
Ewwwww is right!!! I usually double and triple wash my hands just to make sure (i have NO interest in catching roundworm!). And I mopped the floor with ammonia, just to make sure. Especially since I just did some research and apparently humans, cats and other pets CAN get roundworm from each other. Yikes!! It said that the eggs of the roundworm are being released via poop and it is possible to ingest the eggs if your hygiene is not good (like kids who may not wash up before putting their hands in their mouth). The google site said that even though humans are not the typical host for the chicken/pet roundworm, that once it gets into the intestine (of the human) it can burrow through the wall and end up in the bloodstream where larvae can cause longterm damage to organs or whereever the larvae embed. For example they have been known to cause blindness because the larvae pile up in an area behind the eye.

That's interesting information. Will you share your source with us?
Ewwwww is right!!! I usually double and triple wash my hands just to make sure (i have NO interest in catching roundworm!). And I mopped the floor with ammonia, just to make sure. Especially since I just did some research and apparently humans, cats and other pets CAN get roundworm from each other. Yikes!! It said that the eggs of the roundworm are being released via poop and it is possible to ingest the eggs if your hygiene is not good (like kids who may not wash up before putting their hands in their mouth). The google site said that even though humans are not the typical host for the chicken/pet roundworm, that once it gets into the intestine (of the human) it can burrow through the wall and end up in the bloodstream where larvae can cause longterm damage to organs or whereever the larvae embed. For example they have been known to cause blindness because the larvae pile up in an area behind the eye.

That's interesting information. Will you share your source with us?

i had googled it:
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