Can my chickens drown in the rain?


9 Years
Mar 25, 2010
So my chickens were out in thier run. It has plenty of shelter but when it began to rain they all huddled in an uncovered corner and got DRENCHED! I though maybe they didn't realise they could stay out of the rain if they went under the shelter. I normally put them out only for a little while during the day right now because the coop isn't complete and I don't want them to get eaten!!
This was actually the first rain storm they've ever been in so I ran out and hustled them all under the shelter. They stayed under it for about 3 min. and then all ran back out in the rain. Did they jusy like the rain? Is there any danger to them if they stay out in it?
My chickens seem to enjoy the rain . They just walk around doing their normal bug hunting. Plenty of worms to slurp up during rain storms! Sure seems to help them look pretty, after the showers & they dry off.
If they get drenched all the way down to the skin, and it's blowing cold wind, they can get chilled and may develop hypothermia. Most chickens have enough sense to get out of the wind/rain before they get too wet. If it's warm out, and it's just raining hard, there is no cause for concern. It's wet combined with chilly wind that poses an issue, but like I said, most have enough sense to seek out shelter if they need it. Wind and rain are regular occurrences here. My birds learn how to cope. They love the small slugs and worms that come out in the rain. They also love snail shells. They only ever come in if the wind starts gusting over 30 MPH.
I did read a post on here once where a chicken had drowned in a bucket that had filled with rain, but just in the rain they should be OK. If it was a storm I would put them in their coop.
If chickens drowned in rain, then I couldn't have chickens where I live.
It hasn't stopped raining for months now.
OK that was a bit of hyperbole.

We have had one great day of sunshine, last Saturday followed by 2 mediocre days of weather. And now it's pouring rain again today.
My poor Son-in-Law got sunburned watching his wife graduate Saturday at the UofW Husky's Stadium.
(An example of what happens to unsuspecting new comers, when the sunshines around here.) The week before it rained so hard I wasn't sure I wouldn't drown if I went outside.
I couldn't even BBQ for 2 days.
(I don't think that a little rain has ever stopped me before.) Being a NW Native if you can't do it in the rain you can't and won't do it.

Chickens just seem to ignore the rain for the most part. They sure do get muddy, and white Silkies look very pathetic when they are that muddy.
It rains here at least once every week. It's practically non stop in the winter months. I've never lost one to drowning in the rain, ever.
Chickens do drown in severe rain. I just lost 6 last night.
Something else may have killed them. They may have gotten too wet and chilled, or they may have already been sick. I doubt it was the actual rain that killed them.

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