Can my chicks eat this??? - Pic - Maybe Pop First?


10 Years
Feb 8, 2009
Salt Lake Valley
Hi, on the local freecycle website, I asked for old storage wheat that people didn't want. (Storage Wheat is big in Utah...) and thought I'd give it to my chicks for a treat.

I had a nice lady give me 3 buckets of grains; 2 of wheat and one bucket of lentils, buckwheat, and unpopped popcorn.

Here's what it looks like...


(And why in the world would someone mix buckwheat/lentils/popcorn is beyond me...)

I don't think I'll have a problem with buckwheat and the lentils, but I'm slightly worried about whole popcorn kernels.

Are they ok eating this stuff?
Are they ok eating this stuff as 7 week old chicks?

I have a wheat grinder, and could probably grind it all up into (?)mash, or cracked wheat consistency. It’s a messy job. But, what I don't want to do is to pick through this stuff and take out the popcorn. (I wonder what would happen if I put it in hot oil and tried to pop the stuff....)

Anyone have any suggestions?

One more question; My chicks are 7 weeks old and on chick starter. If I give them the wheat, (as a treat) do I need to give them grit right away?

We also found that chickens love popped pop corn! We watched them play Chicken Football with the stuff last night. Funny funny!

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My chickens would eat it, I use to give them cracked corn and whole corn to the ducks. The chickens would steal the ducks corna nd never had a problem.

yes they would need grit.
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Can you put it in plastic bags for a few more weeks then it should be fine, or try to find a way to sift it and get the corn out and save til tehy are bigger.
You can also cook some of that mix for them. Parrots love boiled popcorn! That softens it up and you could always toss some in the food processor, while they're still younger.

Otherwise, you could just wait until they're older. Full grown chickens could eat it just the way it is or would also love some of it cooked up.
I feed mine lentils all the time. They are high in protein. Im not sure about the other grains. Id give it to them and see what they eat and what they leave behind. I do give my chickens credit for being able to figure out what they want and should eat. I leave a lot of choices out for then in plastic tubs. I started doing that instead of throwing in on the ground. There seems to be a lot less waste this way.
I read on this board you have to cook legumes before giving them to chickens and there are lentils in there those are legumes

so if this is true I think you have to cook the lentils?

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