Can my new chicks get Marek's ?!?!


10 Years
Oct 28, 2009
Beverly Hills, CA
Well, I have a "flock" of two cochin hens, when one when broody I moved her to a raised rabbit hutch so she could incubate the fertile eggs I bought for her, she hatched them and I was wondering when I could put them in the coop with the other hen, when I had a scary thought CAN THE CHICKS CATCH MAREK's !!! The two hen I bought from Ideal poultry and i didn't get them vaccinated and they didn't catch it, and neither did any of the other chicks I had. So is there a possiblity the new chicks can catch marek's if i move them to the DIRT floor of the coop ??
If Mareks is in your flock or on your property they can get it but judging from your post I don't think they will.

Mareks hits 5 month old birds harder than most others so it won't show for a while anyways.

I wouldn't worry about it.

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