Can someone help with call duck color ID?


Apr 3, 2021
Hi all, hatched out 10 call ducklings early this morning, from an original set of 18 (11 made it to lockdown).

A dozen of the eggs were from a local breeder who let her colors run together, and 6 were from my hen and drake. My hen is a grey mallard, and the drake is a magpie, so I know their babies are either of those, and in fact, all from their eggs look like grey mallards.

The other ducklings, I have no clue. She has snowies, white, chocolate, 1 lilac, 1 blue fawn and blue magpies. I'm awful at colours.

There is one light golden one I thought could be white, but it's got a silvery head and feet aren't orange. See pic.

Can anyone help? Thank you! (C is from my eggs, so grey mallard)

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