can someone list the symptoms of Coccidiosis?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Sep 20, 2011
I have looked quite a bit and I cannot seem to find a list of the symptoms. If someone could list them that would be really helpful. Also, do symptoms change as the disease progresses? What are the early signs?
Thank you in advance
i had this saved on my computer, i hope it helps...

If your giving them Multi vitamins .. stop
If you giving them any protein foods .. as treats stop

Only give them the crumbles and water and medication

Any form of protein or multi vitamins will stop the medication for cocci from working

Follow the directions on the cocci medication carefully ... don't give them more hoping it will cure it quicker.. it wont' .. it will make the birds sicker

Also some birds pick up a respiratory infection when they have Coccidiosis.. so you might want to invest in some antibotics.. Tylan is a good one.. and it is also water soluable..

If you leave them untreated the condition gets worse .. same with the respiratory problems .. just a word of warning

Here is the Cocci info

Coccidiosis Treatment

There are many forms of Coccidiosis, but two main ones are treated, these are Cecal and Intestinal
Coccidiosis in chickens is caused by seven different species of coccidia (genus Eimeria), which are single celled parasites that live in the gut wall of their host. These coccidia are host specific: turkeys and other species are not infected by fowl coccidia and vice-versa. The different species of coccidia live in different parts of the gut and can be divided into those causing intestinal coccidiosis (the majority) or caecal coccidiosis (one species).

Coccidiosis Cecal Symptoms

In chicks or young birds, droopiness, huddling with ruffled feathers, loss of appetite, retarded growth, and bloody diarrhoea in early stages
It affects their ce***
Mortality is high
Spread from contact with droppings of infected birds. Spread on used equipment, feed sacks, feet o humans and wild birds
An important symptom is blood around the vent or bloody diarrhea
Unfortunately, many different diseases of chickens show identical symptoms which makes accurate diagnosis very difficult

Coccidiosis Intestinal Symptoms

Affects growing or semi mature birds, droopiness, huddling with ruffled feathers, loss in interest in water and feed, retarded growth or weight loss, watery, moucousy, or pasty, tan or blood tinged diarrrhea, sometimes emaciation and dehydration
In mature birds; thin breast, weak legs, drop in laying, sometimes diarrrhea
If affects their intestinal tract
Mortality is limited to high
Spread from droppings of infected birds; spread on used equipment, feed sacks feet of humans and wild birds
An important symptom is blood around the vent or bloody diarrhea
Unfortunately, many different diseases of chickens show identical symptoms which makes accurate diagnosis very difficult

1-teaspoon amprolium (20 percent) per gallon drinking water for 5 days (this is not an antibiotic)
Also a broad spectrum antibiotic to guard against secondary infections, ask your vet what they have available
Following this treatment, give multi vitamin supplement (especially A and K)
Survivors are immune by may never be as productive as uninfected birds

Spread of the disease

Damp or contaminated litter and overcrowding favour its development.
Most commercial chick starters contain a drug that inhibits coccidiosis, however if a clean, dry environment is not maintained then disease can occur. Birds fed diets without preventative drugs are particularly at risk so clean dry litter and adequate space are especially important
If you have soil in your coop it would be advisable to turn it, but don’t allow dust to blow everywhere, as this will spread the disease, if you sprinkle hydrated lime into the soil it will help to eradicated the problem… make sure no lumps are on the floor, use a flour sifter to apply it and then rake it into the dirt

Coccidiosis is spread when one bird eats faecal material from an infected bird, which contains the infective stage of the coccidia (small egg-like bodies called oocysts). The oocysts in the droppings need moisture and warmth to mature before they can infect other birds, but in the right conditions, can do so very quickly (24 hr). Oocysts can remain alive in poultry sheds for more than a year and they are very resistant to most disinfectants.

Oocysts are ingested when birds scratch and peck at the litter or consume contaminated feed or water. Each oocyst breaks down in the gut to release eight organisms that invade the lining of the gut. They then multiply through several cycles to produce thousands of parasites, damaging the gut and causing disease that may lead to the fowl's death.

Beginning five to seven days after infection, thousands of oocysts pass out in the droppings of the bird to continue the life cycle. It is impossible to prevent this spread unless birds are housed so that they have no contact with faeces.

Antibiotics don’t cure Coccidiosis, but it will help to eliminate the possibility of a secondary infection taking hold of your bird, and it is sometimes the secondary infections that end up killing the bird

These are some of the drugs you can use to treat Coccidiosis; it is not a complete list but will give you some ideas on what to ask for at the store when purchasing the medication

Coccidiosis Medication Names
Amprolium Soluble (Thiamine derivates)
Baycox (Toltrazuril)
Corid (Amprolium)
Coxytrol (Sulpha drugs}
Sulfaquin, (Sulpha drugs}
Amprolium (Corid)
Tribrissen (UK)
Sulfaquinoxaline or Sulfamethazine - water or feed; less safe; somewhat toxic to bone marrow. Withdrawal - 10 days
Renosal Tablets

These drugs, under their trade names are readily available
However, dose rates are variable and complex
Most go into the drinking water
The best advice on treatment is to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations and if in doubt contact the Department of Agriculture
Baycox is expensive and usually considered to be the last resort used only with severe cases
The program must be followed carefully to obtain the correct results
If you give your birds too much, you will kill any immunity they have obtained
There are 6 kinds of chicken coccidiosis. Only 1 shows bloody stool.
Generally I've spotted mine puffed up, looking sick. Can't find any reason.
So I treat them. It's very common and it's the first thing I think of.
My baby chicks 2 of them have suddenly become sick. They are about 5 days old. Both have begun by stumbling & falling down. They have stopped eating & drinking. I am feeding them sugar water with a dropper. No bloody diarhea has been seen. Could this be coccidiosis?
Well signs of that diseases is when they only drink and don't eat and they don;t run a lot of make flap or what ever when u catch them hope it helps.

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