Can Someone Please Explain This Diaper Thing?

Ruth sends you real good instructions w/the diaper.

You need 3 saftey pins. One is used to pin the little plastic sandwich baggie to the inside of the diaper. The baggie catches the poop. Then you take your chicken and put it's head thru the two elastic strips so that the skinny part of fabric lays on her back. Then the actual diaper will go between her legs and the flat part of the diaper will lay right up against/underneath her vent. The two remaining pcs of fabric that are attached to the diaper wrap around her tail. This is where saftey pin #2 comes in. Once those two pcs of fabric are pinned together on top of her tail, then you get that skinny pc of fabric laying on her back. That goes underneath the two pcs you just pinned and comes up over the skinny pc is basically folded in half. Then you take pin #3 and pin that folded in half part together.

Did that help or confuse you more?
LOL! I don't know about everyone else, but you confused me! Sounds like it needs to come with an instructional video. Any volunteers??
Thanks ever so much for the info. I wonder how well it would work on a Silkie? Probably have to do some trimming... It all sounds so funny, but it actually makes more sence than trying to follow the chicken around with a paper towel or something. I wonder how the chicken feels? Probably pretty embarassed by it all.
Personally, I keep the feathers around her butt cut short. Being a Silkie, there are a lot of feathers there and it's just easier to keep clean if they aren't in the way.
We tried to use one from MPC on our crevecoeur (our house chicken for the past 6 months). And yes, the few times she actually "went" in the diaper, it did stick to her feathers. Ewww... lots of sitz baths for her.

We had a heck of a time trying to get the diaper on her, despite the instructions. Normally a docile little thing, that bird fought like crazy anytime we approached her with it. It took two of us to wrestle her into it, and she would invariably get herself back OUT of it within minutes. Also, she didn't like the velcro-in liner in it, so she refused to sit down or perch anywhere. We even tried it on her without the liner, with no success.

The worst thing of all was when she'd get herself half-out of the diaper, lose her balance, and the cat would think it was time to play. She'd be hopping around desperately trying to free herself, we'd be chasing her down, and the cat would roll her over a few times to mock-kill her. Scary. We finally had to retire the diaper, which has become an expensive conversation piece. (Visitors often ask to see it. At this point, our whole family is a local conversation piece.) You might have more luck, though!
So, do you keep your baby in the house then? And if so, how do you go about maintaining cleanliness and whatnot? I thought the diapers would be a great idea, but I also wondered about the mess in the feathers.

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