can the deep litter method work with straw?


Love my feathered babies!
13 Years
May 29, 2009
My Coop
My Coop
I am unable to use shavings do to a severe alergy (recently discovered!
). I had planned on using the deep litter method (shavings) for my new coop. Now I need to use straw. Will it work the same?
OH I don't think I would try that. It would be awfully smelly I think. I hate straw becasue it smells way sooner then pine. IMO I think I would clean it all out every few weeks and add new. Someone else may know different. ALl I know is I tried it and it didn't last long before I took it all out
Could you find a different type of shavings then pine? Or is it just the dust your having trouble with?
I am not sure why or how this allergy formed. I had the chicks in my bedroom to make sure they would be warm and safe from my cats. After a few days my eyes swelled shut! I put the chicks in my basement. But then every time I went near them I began to itch. So I then changed to straw and I am perfectly fine now.

I think aspen shavings are too expensive to use long term and I was told that cedar is not good for them.
I use the deep litter method with straw and it works just fine. Make sure that the area is well vented and make sure that the straw is not too moist or mold will grow. Be careful to clean up the messes around the water bottle because someone posted a couple days ago about getting mold after not properly cleaning up after the mess.
I use the excess hay off the horses bales. Once every week I clean out their coops, I till up the dirt, add more hay. My coops don't smell, don't have flies hardly, and look pretty clean at all times. Works for me. I use pine shavings in my parakeets pen, that works well. I tried it in the brooders but went back to hay...I like it better.

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