Can they go outside??


In the Brooder
8 Years
Mar 7, 2011
I have seven approximately 5 week old chicks, some are slightly older but I am wondering when they can go outside. I've heard 4-5 weeks all the way to 8 weeks so I wanted to get the majorities opinion. I am VERY attached to these girls so I want them to be ok when they make the move. I am going to predator secure their coop with electric fencing around their area and more smaller sized wire around the coop they will be sleeping in before they go outside so I am hoping they will be VERY safe. I live in Central Texas so it can fluctuate from 09 degrees one day to 40/50 degrees like today. I guess I can also set up their heat lamp outside in case it does get chilly at night. They still seem too small to be out in the big bad world! They are jumping out of there brooder box and taking over the room they are in at the moment, so I think they are probably ready. I can't tell if they are "feathered out" but they sure can fly and are looking a little on the scrappy side, each day it changes, their heads are still a fluffy looking for the most part.

Thanks for the Information in advance!!
I think you should leave them in until they are about 7 to 8 weeks old
It wouldn't hurt to put them in the coop, and secure it so they can just stay inside it for a while. Rig a heat lamp if they are the only ones in there, so they don't get too cold. Let them out in a secure fenced in area for a while if you are home, to keep an eye on them. We had older birds that "baby sat" the minute they were put in the coop. We had a very protective rooster as well, and they all helped in teaching the ropes. Yes, they can go out, but I wouldnt let them run free quite yet.
I also live in central texas and my 5 babies will be 5 weeks old tomorrow.They moved outside last week because A they are the messiest chicks I ever raised and B it's been so hot here,I had the A/C on in the house.They are overnight in a rabbit hutch inside a three sided coop with an attached run .During the day,they are in the run with 10 11 month old hens.The days here have been 75-85,nights 50-65.I do not have a heat lamp on them because it has been so hot an humid,even at night.I am more worried about predators,so the run is covered, with a strand of hot wire all the way around.
Great! I'm sure by the time I get all predator protection in place they will be in between all the recommendations anyway! I think they can handle the weather here now anyway.

Thanks for all the recommendations!

I can't wait!!


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