Can this cause hen to go egg bound?


12 Years
Apr 7, 2010
Ok here it goes, I thought my hens have quit laying eggs until today. I have found where they have been laying and it is a terrible place to get to. I have closed off this area and have taken the hen that is trying to lay and put her in the laying house ( they always in the past layed there). She is flipping out right now and has been for the past 3 hours. I know she has a egg in her because I can feel it. My question is will she just try and hold it until she can get out to go to where she was laying and can this cause her to go egg bound? Now how do I get them to start reusing their laying house?
Has anything changed in the area they were laying? I would just make sure the nesting boxes are full of something fluffy - chips, hay, whatever you use. She will have to lay there eventually...Odd that they would change their laying location. Haven't had that happen- yet!
Yes we added a new member to the flock. I put some of the eggs I gathered and placed them in the nest. She did go ahead and lay in the nest after being locked in there. All of the girls are upset I blocked off their favorite place to go during the day. Do you have and thoughts on how to get them to start laying in the hen house again?
Can't say this will help but I keep wooden eggs in the nest boxes at all times. If they get dirty I wash them and put them back. I would lock her in the laying house, either way that egg is coming out. I doubt a newbie would be the cause of all this, especially if you have a rooster.

Just off the top of my head. Nest boxes should be dark or there abouts. Hens like privacy. This is recommended in the books. Also they should not be so big there is walking around space.

Also I use hay in the nest boxes and wood chips on the floor of the coop so there is no mistake where eggs should be laid. I use straw on the floor of my run so their feet can stay dry when it's cold. I don't think chickens are as stupid as we think.

Hope all works out.

Thanks Rancher for the advise. It is dark where they lay and I do have a egg decoy in there. Maybe if I switched out the decoy egg it has been in there for a year now. No I do not have a Roo.

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