Can two chicks from the same egg survive?


9 Years
Jan 1, 2011
I was just wondering, if there's double yolked non-fertilised eggs, then its possible that there are double yolked fertilised eggs. If that is true, has anyone had any surviving twins, and if so, were they conjoined or did they have extra limbs? Can this actually happen?
There have been threads about it happening, but rarely. The chicks always need help hatching and both rarely live. It is much more common for both chicks to die in the egg around day 18
I'll let you know I have one in the bator now.
If they manage to develop and hatch they would not be conjoined. They are the result of two seperate ovum fertilized by two seperate sperms not one ovum fertilized by one sperm. The possibility of conjoined twins occurs when a fertilized egg splits incompletely.

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