can we get a sticky about hatchery testimonials?

The hatchery probably has about 10% to do with the success or conditions of the day-old chicks when they reach you. It's the shipping temperature, duration and methods which will play the largest factor in how vigorous the chicks are when they get to you. Too many people blame the hatchery if their chicks don't work out, when there is simply no way to actually know why the problems were brought-on.

So, I think a sticky would be largely pointless and would cause mindless bickering.
This forum is still a very small cross-section of overall satisfaction/dissatisfaction with hatcheries. Even when I see unhappy posts about certain hatcheries, I try to igonore because for every bad situation, there are probably 10 good ones. Plus, as mentioned, environmental and other considerations come into play.

I think good customer service is the bottom line...if you lost chicks, were you reimbursed? etc., etc.

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