Can we talk about chickens here?

LOL. I sold some eggs to one of my egg customers. One of the eggs was HUGE. I knew it was a double yolk. When I asked a few weeks later if they had ate that huge egg, they said "Oh, no. My friends and I thought that it was so big because there was a chick inside!"
(turned out I was wrong, It actually had three yolks!!!)
can you actually have a rooster the hens don't like?? how do you know, pulled feathers blood chasing around or do they not socailate with him. I had one that was sick didn't know it ate the time but the hens did in a two week spand he fell ill and his comb was turning black I read something about black comb I think he had this but we took his life I ddin't even save any fethers I didn't know what he had for sure and I didn't want to get what he had I know something to jump from species is hard but my luck I would be the first one to have it jump to.

So what do they do if they don't like the rooster and what of the rooster is he in the cook pot then??

yeah my husband told me to get a rooster to up production but this wasn't the key I found the problem was what I was feeding them SCRATCB FEED so now they are on crumble only I mean this is the main stuff I feed them everyday and then they get some scraps (in deer season they get rawdeer and when we kill the rabbits we give the chickens some liver kidney and heart I am leary of all veggie scraps to often since I am not sure if they will stop eating the crmble do to the veggie scraps) they hate HATE pellets I wind up grinding them up so they will eat them. Nutrition is the key to eggs and the chickens being healthy can't tell you how much I have learned over the years on these chicken message baord that the gods for all of them.

Normally my chickens stop laying a little after I got them we never knew why I mean stop and never lay again in their life and never go broody either but I find now with the chickens I have it is in winter and they still lay and still get a doble ypker once in a while so take it from me it is not a rooster you need but to make sure they have the right feed.

Its true, you dont have to have a rooster to have eggs. If you want to have chicks then you would have to have a rooster to fertilize the eggs.
We all have our moments (regarding something) to look back on and think "I cannot believe I thought that!" I hope she joins BYC, it's definitely one of the best communities for gaining information!

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