Can we talk about rooster raising?


That is an extremely helpful post! The pictures along with descriptions is exactly how I learn and I would bet many others. Do you have an article or sticky or something that shows all of this? If not, you should!
my copper maran roosters attack me probably because I take their hens eggs but they just want ot fight everytime I walk by their cage. idk why lol
Pure luck. A small breeder nearby had too many roosters. He actually advertised him as an Ameraucauna but one look and I knew he was a Easter Egger. Anyways, yes I go in the coop and run all the time with them. I don’t run, I go in the run. He was probably 10 weeks when I got him. The only time I’ve ever held him was to put him in my transport cage and to take him out. I sneak in a little pet when he’s half asleep on the roost now and then. He’s just a stand off kinda guy and I respect that. We don’t have to be buddies. I do my job and he does his and the hens are glad we do!
Wait... I thought Ameraucauna's were the same breed as easter eggers?
Yeah, I wouldn't mind either. And I know he will crow, I'm not trying to stop that. I guess I am just hoping to keep him from crowing when the sun is down (stipulation set by hubs and neighbor) and harassing the hens too much. I also thought I had a little more time before this stage hit since he is only 13.5 weeks old😟
He should be quiet at night, unless he sees light in his coup, or there is another rooster around. If he can hear another rooster crowing, he will crow back. I have two cockerels, and sometimes they are crowing at 1am, because someone has a rooster a few blocks away that crowd for some reason.
He should be quiet at night, unless he sees light in his coup, or there is another rooster around. If he can hear another rooster crowing, he will crow back. I have two cockerels, and sometimes they are crowing at 1am, because someone has a rooster a few blocks away that crowd for some reason.
We had our first 6 am crow today! Hubs could hear it in the house but he didn't realize it was Oscar right away. 😂😂
We had our first 6 am crow today! Hubs could hear it in the house but he didn't realize it was Oscar right away. 😂😂
My chickens are used to me letting them out at 6:30 every morning. My boys will take turns crowing, starting at 5:30 until I let them out!🤦😂 My husband suggested letting them out earlier, but I told him I was worried about them deciding their plan worked, and starting even earlier🙄😂😂 My girls are very content staying inside the coup until 6:30, or later, but the boys want out!😂
So Oscar crows very early (5 am today) anywhere from 10-15 times. Does not really crow during the day. Will he always crow that much? Is that normal? I guessed I assumed it was more like 3 at a time. No clue where I came up with that number though. 🤷 Lol

Also, he is jumping on the girls anytime he thinks they are easy targets. He jumps on, gets tossed off and then runs! Lol

This evening he walked up to my 9 lb black dog and tried jumping on her! She was like WTH just happened!! She turned to look at him and he was a bit thrown off too :lau

I hear him cluck to the girls but they all ignore him as of now. But he doesn't really share treats. If I give him some he eats it right away. Will he grow out of this teenage shenanigans of jumping any unsuspecting girls and eating all the treats??

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