Can you add a new chick in with a hen and week old chicks?


7 Years
Apr 6, 2012
I had a broody hen that hatched 3 chicks in the coop. I had kinda left her alone to hatch babies. After I discovered chicks I moved her inside with the babies so that they could get at food and water. She had other eggs still not hatched so I candled them and left them under her. She hatched one more the next day and had 2 eggs that were not quite there. I noticed that she was too worried about the chicks and beginning IMG_6989.jpg to abandon the other 2 eggs so I moved them to the incubator. A week later one egg began to hatch. The chick was malpositioned so I had to help a little. Now I have a new chick in the incubator and 4 chicks with mama in the brooder. Can I add the little guy in with mama?
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I gave my broody Silkie four baby Cochin bantams that I bought from TSC... she took them right away... the next day one of them died.. I went back to TSC a week later and they let me replace the one I lost with another and I brought it home and plopped it in with them and that was that... not an issue.. I’d try it for sure but like others said.. keep an eye out.. the one I got was the same age as the others though.. so don’t know if that made a difference.
And don’t cha know.. the one I got as a replacement.. is a boy :lol:.. my very first rooster... hoping for a good one :fl

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