Can you add both ACV and liquid vitamins to the water?


Keepin' the sunny side up
11 Years
Mar 20, 2008
Shenandoah Valley, VA
My chicks are almost 6 weeks old and are in the coop. They constantly get food, pine chips, etc. into their water. It makes the water STINK very quickly. I have to change it quite often. I put it up on cinder blocks, and it really helped, but they still get some stuff in the water and it still stinks.

I've been adding a little ACV to the water for the past few days and it has really helped cut down on the stink of the water. I'd like to keep doing that - but I also want to add liquid vitamins to the water. Will the ACV be OK to add in addition to the vitamins?

* I wouldn't, b/c: There's probably too much potassium in the combination of ACV and vits. That could cause problems. 2. The acidity of ACV will change, destroy, or otherwise affect the vitamins as it sits. 3. CHICK STARTER has a full complement of regular vits. alone. MORE risks sensitive chicks and wastes money. That said, I would use a very light dose of ACV simply for water quality with chicks.
Since I have about 68 5 week old chicks in a coop, I use 2 one gal waterers and in one I put ACV/garlic and in the other I have electrolytes and vitamins. It is very hot here now so they drink both every day and are going strong.
I have 7 Silkie chicks that have only one waterer with the ACV/garlic mix and some chickens in isolation with the electrolytes and vitamins. Next week I will change that.
I agree with d.k., I would not mix the two. very careful with giving ACV to chickies!
This is one of those "less is more" instances. If you have very hard water it may indeed be wise to add a wee bit to their water but remember...the natural hardness of your water ultimately determines the amount of aCV you must add (for adult chickens you should get the PH to around not less than 4 and for young chickies I would not go under a PH of 5)
We have very hard well water. I add 1 teaspoon ACV per 1 gallon of water. But I don't have a PH tester to know if that lowers/raises the PH to what you suggest
Do you think it sounds like the amount I use would be ok?

I get PH test strips from the feed store and at pet stores. They are fairly cheap. With well water and farm country we have to test often.

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