Can you all help me sex my baby orps!.... PLEASE!


8 Years
Apr 28, 2011

I got some orpington eggs and out of 13 shipped eggs, I have five 4+ week old babies. 3 black, 1 blue, and 1 lavender. Well, all the babies are starting to get their feathers in, but one has A BUNCH of feathers, and is starting to get its tail feathers in... While the others dont. And they are ALL the same age. do you think maybe I lucked out and got 1 roo and 4 hens?! He acts like a little roo to! While the others act like little hens :loveBlack

Heres bruce! (the big one) hes a little ham


Heres the other blacks.
Black #2

Black #3

Blue orp

Lavender orp
need some good comb shots i would also suggest waiting till they are at least 12 weeks for a more accurate guess or post at 6 weeks of age can also get accurate guesses but without those clear comb shots right now everyone will be hazording their best guess
right now with those pics they all look like pullets but i'm sure you have at least 1 or 2 cockerels in there and if they are all pullets lucky you
Great! Thanks. I will get a few up tomarrow. All I can say is that the big one has a MUCH bigger comb then the others. Id like to have at leased one cockerel. And I would perfer it to be a black
im really hopeing my lav and my blue are hens
Orp chicks are a real problem to sex. The best I ever do is to compare all of the same age and figure that the hens MAY feather out sooner and the roos USUALLY have the least tails early and the roos MAY have bigger combs - except if they are submissive roos and then all of the above don't matter.
Orps are not the breed to have if you need to sex early.
they'reHISchickens :

Orp chicks are a real problem to sex. The best I ever do is to compare all of the same age and figure that the hens MAY feather out sooner and the roos USUALLY have the least tails early and e roos MAY have bigger combs - except if they are submissive roos and then all of the above don't matter.
Orps are not the breed to have if you need to sex early.

Well, I was just curious if you all could help. Look like you cant since its to early. Thanks!​

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