Can you bathe a duck?

My three ducks love warm water when it's really cold out side they go gaga and bonkers.. A friend on another group told me that it makes the winter just a little more comfortable for them with warm water to swim and bath in.. He raises about 600 or more ducks, geese etc in New York. He also has them pools that have some way of keeping the water warm for them in the dead of winter.
I just tote water out for mine cause I only have 3 and a small rubber maid tub for them in their night pen... So it's not any trouble.. Now the kiddy pool on the lawn I don't tote water too. LOL.. Its proably 15 gallons or more so I never would get it full.
I have 5 Calls, two of them spend every free moment swimming in the water - the one duck could care less, and the other two would like to, but it's breeding season, so I need to offer more pools for them, cause the one drake is being mean to the other drake.

The two who love the water are funny to watch. They get into that big tub of water and lose their minds with dipping, splashing, dipping some more. The one duck spent a lot of time in a big puddle I had during the ice storm - she swam across it back and forth for half the day.

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I took some advice on here and gave them a pan of warm water to bathe in... Temps were in 50's yesterday and today so they went for it! First few times they were timid to get in but after awhile they LOVED the water.... I changed it out a few times and it looked like chocolate milk! They are much cleaner now and seem relaxed and started grooming themselves...
I had not heard that corn would make a white duck turn a yellow color. They are yellowish especially around head and wings... I do not know their diet at previous owners house.
I give mine meat bird, dog food and mix a little sweet feed in for the alfalfa pellets. They love it....
thanks for all your replies.. And the post about them being allergic to water? I was cautious and put a flat rock in the water pan so they could rest on it and were able to get back out quite easily....
I just love reading threads on this site. It gives me something to smile and sometimes laugh about.

It always amazes me how a duck or goose can go into a very muddy puddle or pond and wash and come out clean,,

You do not have to warm the water for your water fowel.. any water is already 33 degrees or warmer.. that automatically feels warmer than the ice and snow they just stepped off of.. and the shock of going back to the frozen ground is not as great..

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