Can you clarify re: culling and replacing flock?

I am not a bad salesperson.... just struggle with the ones that want the best hens you have for nothing, oh and want you to guarantee egg laying and health after they get them home.

I do have the option to refuse service and to not sell to you. Funny how some people don't grasp this concept. "why won't you sell to me?" cause you are an idiot... said in the most respectful way possible.

A little respect goes a long way. People are funny. Idiots can be funnier. If they don't make you cry.
The above discussion reminds me of why I put extras in freezer camp, rather than trying to sell.
I grok this.
This is a great thread. I've sold some birds on Craigslist with no problems (yet), just mutts (Brahma × red ranger) but have a flock of Easter Eggers I would like to sell from this spring. It's great to hear about what everyone is doing.
As far as chicken math, we currently have 15 hens/pullets I am hoping when they start laying in the spring that will be enough to hatch/eat & freeze eggs for winter. Probably not but who knows. We've learned you can't buy a decent egg at the grocery store. As far as meat, I am hoping to put up 15 chickens (not enough but what I have room for) 3 doz quail, 3 ducks and a goose or 2. I'm trying to approach it like a grocery list this season.

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