Can you confirm whether our Leghorn could be a RI White or other?


6 Years
Aug 31, 2013
Morgan Hill, CA
My family is new to raising chickens. We picked up 2 chicks in March and we're excited that our RI Red (Lucy) has begun laying eggs for the past 2 weeks. We've been expecting our white leghorn (Ethel) to lay any day, but have only found brown eggs. Sometimes 2 a day. We were told this was normal. But, yesterday we had one at 6 am and came home at 6pm to TWO more. All eggs have been laid in the same box. Is is possible that our leghorn is either really a RI WHITE or a Plymouth (or other?). I believe her earlobes are white, which I thought meant we should expect a white egg layer... I am attaching a picture for any veteran chicken experts out there. I appreciate anyone's input!
No way. That's a hen. She has exactly the right amount of comb for a Rock at point of lay. And at 20+ weeks (since all the birds are laying) a rooster would be obvious and crowing by now.
absolutely. If the bird were 2 months, that much comb would be male. That's why we always ask age when determining gender!
Thank you all for your input- I sure appreciate it! Never knew about the red flesh behind the wattle as being a marker. So, White Rock it is! THANKS! I'm really not picky, love them all the same. Was thinking that my RIR was some Super Chicken, but now I can give credit where it's due. If White Rocks give a lighter brown egg, than she actually laid first!
Thank you all for your input- I sure appreciate it! Never knew about the red flesh behind the wattle as being a marker. So, White Rock it is! THANKS! I'm really not picky, love them all the same. Was thinking that my RIR was some Super Chicken, but now I can give credit where it's due. If White Rocks give a lighter brown egg, than she actually laid first!

Yes, my Rocks lay paler, sometimes pinkish eggs.

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