Can you de-crow a rooster?

And kind of cruel in my opinion, crows are much more than just noise
oh yeah, its most definitely inhumane, i would never do it. but it can be done. My roosters seem to find crowing one of the funnest activities they can think of, i just wish they didn't have so much "fun" at 4 am... but it would be terrible to take that away, i'v seen videos of "de-crowed" roosters pointing their heads up and trying to crow, its kinda sad.
Surgically de-crowing a rooster is like de-barking a dog. Cruel, useless. Now, there are people I've heard who ended up with a rooster that had a "crowless" gene. As in, they never crowed. Don't know much about it though.
Minimize the lights and noise they get and it will help. Insulating the coop with sound in mind helps, too.
Make sure the coop is utterly dark.

We used to have crowing at 4:30AM until I taped the coop window glass with a black garbage bag. Now, when we open the coop door at 8AM, they are still sleeping on the roosts.

But, you cannot stop him from crowing during the day. That's his job.
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